Saturday, September 28, 2013

updating this space w pictures finally :~))))))))))

rlly getting used to being tired and pushing myself and studying which is good.

as i'm writing this my mom is booking tickets for the bangkok trip hehe i can't wait!!!!!!!!

but rlly, everything have been so exhausting..... on top of studying, i have to deal w fatigue, my emotions and accepting things. and to me that is so so so hard but i've really been trying to accept that drifting from people is part and parcel of life, and trying to be okay with that. trying to be okay with being alone, doing things by myself, being self-reliant.. and not forgetting that nothing feels the same these days. like everything i care about is slipping out of my fingertips and all i can do is watch it leave. i don't know how long this 'mindset' and acceptance is gonna stay, but i hope it doesn't leave anytime soon, it can't.